Saturday, April 30, 2005


New Sagaya has marketing spots on all the local radio stations spotlighting the availability of "airfresh" corn on the cob - just flown in from California.

I succumbed.

Or rather, I shall succumb. Tonight the picnique table will be hosting a welcome grill for two new neighbors "airfresh" from Back East. That corn will go perfectly with the Domestic Goddess' coffee-marinated steak. I think I shall pedal by New Sagaya on my way home, and toss a couple into the bike basket.

Oh. Sun and summer is a fabulous thing - and what a good thing that long, cold, dark winter was, because I see now that it gave me the priceless ability to welcome summer with the same exhillerating enthusiasm that I haven't really felt since I was a child walking home after the last day of school thinking that I had a whole summer of fun ahead of me. I am giddy with it. And my eyes have adjusted, so I am giddy AND immersed in it.


Lest anyone think that this is a one time anomoly in the world of Alaskan marketing, my favorite burger spot makes a point of noting that their chicken is flown in daily from Washington State. And there is a cottage industry here for doughnuts - many a fundraiser and many an entrepreneur in need of a quick cash influx, has set up a tent in some parking lot or another with large signs advertising the "Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Flown in Just That Morning." Sometimes, instead of a tent, the salesman is selling Krisy Kreme doughnuts from a U-Haul filled to its brim with boxes. It's generally much easier to pass by the u-haul untempted, as I am convinced that more than one local entrepreneur has attempted to make his millions driving up the Al-Can Highway with a U-Haul full of Seattle Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It's a 3 day trip - probably 7 if anyone were crazy enough to let me drive it.


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