SHF: Homestead Aebleskivers in Spruce Tip Syrup
I'm in the middle of filing a reply to an opposition to a motion for a preliminary injunction, and this little first time foray into being a real attorney (instead of merely a corporate one) has wreaked havoc on the personal intentions of this week....
I can't write down the recipe.
I didn't buy the camera to take the picture.
But I took the traditional aebleskiver recipe from "The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook" (that I love, by the by), and I added molasses and other spices like cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger, and I substituted the spruce tip syrup that I was going to make after a sunny Alaskan spring afternoon of traipsing about and gathering spring spruce tips with the kind of spruce tip syrup that one can buy from the organic store that is made by a woman down in Haines, Alaska (her best friend maintains the display and keeps the store stocked out of friendship and support, not money - and I like that), and I dusted it with powder sugar.
The idea is supposed to be like the Montreal recipe of dumplings baked in maple syrup.
But - it makes use of molassess and other spices that can keep easily in a pantry (oh for the day that I live from a pantry and bi-weekly airdrops of replenishments), it is an aebleskiver, baked in a castiron aebleskiver pan (called a monk's pan, and I like that too), but coddled in Alaska's spring ingredient: spruce tips.
The recipe to follow.
Maybe pictures will follow.
I need to buy that camera.
Discount Hydro!
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